Artati Artati, Arfiani Nur, Subakir Salnus


Tuberculosis is an infection of the bacterium mycobacterium tuberculosis which attacks and damages the tissues of the human body. The bacteria can be transmitted thourgh tuberculosis airways usually attacking the lugns but usually also speards the bones, lymph nodes, central nervous system, heart and other organs. Phlegm examination directly relives many weaknesses that is a lot of mucus and tissue that will increase the volume of the sample so that it will reduce the possiblty of getting microbacterium tuberculosis. Therefore, to improve the effevtiveness of sputum microscopic examination, a sample of 4% NaOH sample can be processed so that BTA will be collected in smaller volumes and it is more likely to obtain sample containing germs. This study was conducted with 3 treatmeants, namely morning phlegm which was examined immediately, morning phlegm delayed 3 hours, and morning phlegm delayed 6 hours then decontaminated and examined under a microscope to see how much influence. Based on the analysisof Variance (ANOVA) test, it was found that significant value of the ANOVA test of 1,000>0,05 did not have a significant effect between the phlegm examined and immediately delayed 3 hours and delayed 6 hours. The researchers concluded that the length of the morning phelm storage at room temperature was examine immediately, delayed 3 hours and delayed 6 hours had no effect on the number of acid-resistant bacteria (BTA) (ρ=1,000) thus te alternative hypothesis in this study was rejected. But even though there was no significant effect on the duration of storing phlegm in the morning, the researchers still segested that they still use morning phlegm which was immediately examined in order to still get the quality of phlegm and good examination result.

Keyword: Storage time, Decontamination Of BTA, Examination Sampel

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