Fatmawaty Suaib, Restu Mangiri Paembonan, Siti Nur Rochimiwati


Adolescent development, specifically for the adolescent girl, one of them is conduct an assessment of physical appearance with proportional body standards according to their descriptions and perceptions, this is the thing that we called body picture. Incorrect perception will affect the change in the eating behavior that they do, so that the desired for having a good shape of body can be achieved. This research aims to know the description of body picture and eating behavior in adolescent girls in the Nutrition Department at Health Polytechnic Ministry of Health Makassar. This type of research is a descriptive study. Research samples were taken on a purposive, that is to the female student in I and II grade at D.III in Nutrition Department at Health Polytechnic Ministry of Health Makassar amount to 74 people. Nutritional status data obtained through weighing weight and measuring height. For ages, body picture and eating behavior are obtained through the prescribed questionnare. The data obtained is processed by a descriptive analysis method and result are presented in the form of tables and narratives. Result showed that the subject’s positive body picture is more than half positive body picture is more than half of the total subject that is 89,2 %. While the remaining 10,8 % subject has a negative body picture. Then, the idea of eating behavior is almost balanced subject that is 54,1 % of subject having good eating behavior. While 45,9 % of subjects had a bad eating behaviors. Based on this research, we can concluded that the adolescent girl in Nutrition Department at Health Polytechnic Ministry of Health Makassar have a positive body picture and good eating behavior.

Keywords : Body Picture, Eating Behavior, Adolescent Girl

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