Hasriani Syamsul, Manjilala Manjilala, Sirajuddin Sirajuddin


Under Nutrition is a condition as a result of inadequate food consumption in a long-time period which is characterized by weight for age (BB / U) which is in <-2 SD to> -3 SD WHO-Anthro standard table. The impact caused by undernutrition is that children become apathetic, impaired speech and impaired intelligence development. The general objective of this case study is to implement nutritional care for underweight toddler with the NCP approach in Pinang Village, Cendana, Enrekang District. This type of research is a descriptive study with a case study approach to nutrition care for toddler. The location of the study was conducted in Pinang Village, Cendana, Enrekang District in February-March 2019. The sample of the study was toddler. Data on nutrient intake was collected using the Food Recall method and then processed using the Nutrisurvey application. The results of the study obtained the nutritional status of the sample, namely malnutrition status, irregular eating patterns and being lazy to consume vegetables. After 14 days of observation, there was an increase in body weight and increased intake in the sample. It is recommended for families, especially mothers to be able to apply nutritional interventions that have been given during the process of nutrition care in the form of balanced feeding following the needs.


Keywords : Toddler, Under Nutrition, Nutrition Care Process

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