Hendrayati Hendrayati, Andi Toewo Titi, Zakaria Zakaria


Overcoming nutritional problems including stunting in Indonesia has been carried out through various programs launched by the government. However, problem of stunting in infants is still high at 35.6% compared to the MDGS target of 15%. Adequat of macro and micro nutrient intake is an important element in overcoming the problem of stunting. The amino acid cysteine is one of the amino acids that can help the process of accelerating growth. In the growth process, the amino acid cysteine has a role in accelerating the transcription of hormone receptors in the reaction of zinc finger protein (ZFP), induction of Transforming Growth Factor β (TGF β) and the formation of CRIP (Cystein Rich Intestinal Protein) which are strongly associated with advanced metabolic reactions in forming energy for growth.The pre-post randomizet design control study was conducted in two sample groups, control and treatment. A total of 30 stunting toddlers. The treatment group was given 25 mg of cysteine amino acid / day with the time of administration for 3 months or 90 times. Indicator of metabolic disorders using the urinalysis method to analyze urine protein content, intake level was measured using a 24-hour Food Recall and anthropometric measurements which Body Weight and Height. Results of the study showed that giving amino acid cysteine could not improve metabolic disorders in stunting infants with indicaor urinalysis. The level of macro and micro nutrient intake is not in accordance with the needs of toddlers. There was a significant change in anthropometric status in the treatment group. Suggestions for further research should be to measure indicators of improvement in metabolic disorders with more accurate blood specimens.

Keywords: Cysteine Amino Acid, Height, Intake of Nutrition, Stunting Urinalysis, Weight.

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