agust dwi djajanti, Ermawati Ermawati, Yusriyani Yusriyani, Dzulasfi Dzulasfi, Rusli Rusli


The research is how the level of knowledge of the PAI III Subsubdistrict of Biringkanaya Makassar in 2018 on the level of drug use without a prescription is self-medication. Independent variables in this study were age, education, income, source of information and place of medication for self-medication . Factors are most related to the cross sectional study design method for 63 samples taken with purposive sampling in the PAI III Biringkanaya subdistrict, Makassar.This type of research is observational analytic research, using the cross sectional study approach. This study is used to observe the level of self-medication, where in this case the independent variables and dependent variables, the study was observed simultaneously at the same time in each individual in the population.The results of this study indicate that the factors associated with self-medication in the PAI III sub-subdistrict are the source variables of getting the drug. The income level variable, age variable, education level and drug information source variable did not affect self-medication.

Keywords: Self-Medication dan Related Problems Factors

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.32382/uh.v2i1.1178


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