Rusli rusli, Junaedi Junaedi, Hubbi HP, Agust Dwi Djajanti, Jefrin Sambara, Nielma Aulia, Herman Herman


The increasing use of off-label category drugs is the reason clinicians use these drugs because the clinical response has not had a significant impact on treatment as well as various reasons for specific therapeutic purposes. While adverse events and adverse reactions to drugs from off-label category drugs tend to continue to increase, so we need continuous and continuous data and study of therapies about the use of off-label category drugs. The purpose of this study was to analyze the characteristics of usage patterns and reasons for administering off-label categories of drugs to inpatients in hospitals. This research was conducted at the hospital. Dr. Wahidin Sudiro Husodo Makassar. Research uses data in the form of inpatient prescriptions in the internal medicine, children's and obgin's sections with a prescription number of 150 sheets. The results showed that the indication of disease using off-label category drugs was not dominated by one particular disease but rather based on the needs and conditions of the disease and the drug availability of the off label drug. The pattern of treatment using off-label categories of drugs given orally is the most dominant given by the clinician. The type of drug that is commonly used in the off-label category is not dominated by certain classifications, but drugs with indicated anti-pain are the choices for the type of drug used. The reason the clinician decides to use off-label category drugs is because the on-label category drugs have not been able to contribute to healing the diagnosis of the disease while some drugs based on experience for drugs that have not been approved can provide a significant healing process.


Keywords; off-label category drug analysis

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