Henny Pongantung, Rosdewi Rosdewi, Armila Ruthnianingsih, Asniati Asniati


Muscle weakness and physical disability are the main problems that occur in post-stroke patients so that patients will become dependent on others. Muscle strength training is needed so that patients can gradually use their extremities to hold or lift heavier weights to increase independence in carrying out daily activities. The purpose of this study was to increase the strength of upper limb muscles in post-stroke patients through the ball grasping exercise. The design of this study was pre-experimental design with one group pre-post test. The group consists of 14 male and female post non-hemorrhagic stroke respondents who experienced weakness of the upper extremity, aged between 44-75 years.  The grasping ball exercise was done every day in the morning and evening with duration of 30 seconds for four weeks. The muscles strength was measured using handgrip dynamometer before and after the intervention. The data were analyzed using paired sample t-test with a significance level of α= 0.05. The average muscle strength before intervention was 0.936 and the average value of muscle strength after intervention was 2,271 (p =0,024). This data showed that there’s an effect of the ball grasping therapy on the strength of the upper limb muscles in post-stroke patients. Based on the results, it is recommended that health workers to use the ball grasping exercise as an intervention to increase the arm strength.

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