Intan Deasy Agmaitry, Sukirawati Sukirawati, Sri Salmawati, Andi Asrina, Fairus Prihatin Idris


Bulukumba AIDS Commission noted there are 183 people in 2016 positive for HIV / AIDS increased to 226 in 2017. One of transmissions is through men who have sex with men (MSM) by changing partners without using protection condom.

The aim of this study was to explore Risk Behavior of MSM in Bukukumba District, South Sulawesi.This study used qualitative method with phenomenology approach. Data was collected by observation techniques, in-depth interviews, documentation and continuous Focus Group Discussion (FGD) throughout the study. Data obtained from key informants (KPAD), ordinary informants (MSM) and supporting informants (community leaders) and being analyzed by the content analysis method and categorized and reduction then presented in narrative form. Data was validated by triangulation of informans, time and theories related to the study. This study found various forms of MSM behavior that was being risk for the incidence of sexually transmitted infections. These behaviors were the low level of knowledge about risk factor and prevention of sexually transmitted infections, the stigma about the behavior of health checks, and drug use behavior in the form of putaw by using alternating needles. It was also found that unsafe sexual behavior was changing partners and behavior of using condoms. This study concluded that the behavior of MSM in Bulukumba has a high risk of the incidence of sexually transmitted diseases in this area. Health promotion efforts and strategies are needed to reducing the risk behavior of MSM towards the incidence of sexually transmitted diseases

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.32382/uh.v2i1.1288


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