Rusmini Rusmini, Andrayani Andrayani


Wounds are the breakdown or damage of tissue continuity, if not treated immediately there will be an infection or other complications so that it takes an action to treat wounds. Treatment of wounds can be done with ingredients that come from nature. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of shrimp shell extract plaster in the process of wound healing. This study was a pure experiment with a Post-test only control group design. Samples were 18 (6 for each group). The results showed that there were differences in the duration of wound healing between the three groups, statistical tests using one-way Annova Test and Post Hoc Test showed chitosan was more effective in wound drying than NaCl (p = 0.005 <0.05) and Betadine (p = 0,000 <0, 05). The wound closure process of chitosan group (8.6 days) was not significantly more effective than Na Cl (7 days) (p = 0.171> 0.05) and Betadine (10.8 days) (p = 100> 0.05), but the Na Cl group is faster than Betadine (p = 0.007 <0.05). Description of wound closure in chitosan is neater. The process of necrotic tissue detachment in the chitosan group (9 days) was no more effective than Na Cl (7 days) (p = 0.111> 0.05) and Betadine (10.8 days) (p = 142> 0.05). The release of necrotic tissue in the chitosan and NaCl groups did not leave a scar. Further research is recommended with other types of wounds and chitosan combinations with other natural antimicrobial agents.

Keywords: Wounds, Chitosan, Nacl, Betadine, Healing

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