Lydia fanny, Yusdalifah Anna, Nursalim Nursalim


Nutrition is an important factor for realizing human in Indonesia. Various studies have revealed that malnutrition, especially among children under five of early age will have an impact on child development. In this case, soybean flour stick added with anchovies expected to be a high-protein alternative food for calcium and zinc. The problems of this study are how the acceptance and nutrient content of tempeh sticks with the addition of anchovies flour. The aim of this study is to determine the acceptability and protein, calcium and zinc with the highest percentage of received  power in tempeh sticks with the addition of wet fish meal. This research is an experimental research post test group design. Untrained panelists used are 30 students. A statistical analysis of the test using One-Way ANOVA and advanced analysis using the Tukey. Results from this study is the most preferred product is the addition of 15% and  a protein content of 15% with the addition of 25.9 g, 2316.11 calcium levels (ug / g), 0.505 zinc levels (ug / g). The study also showed that the addition of  anchovy flour real impact on the aspect of color, aroma and flavor. Further studies are expected to do more research on how to reduce aroma and texture of sand on fish meal.

Keywords: Acceptability, Analysis of Calcium, protein and zinc , Anchovy Flour.

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