Irma Muslimin, Adriyani Adam, Abdul Ganing


Stunting is a condition of failure to thrive in children under five due to chronic malnutrition so that children are too short for their age (malnutrition occurs in the womb and in the early days after the child is born, but only appears after the child is 2 years old). This study tries to look more specifically at the age of first marriage from parents who have stunting children in Balanipa District. This study was conducted using various data sources, including analysis of primary data and literature review.  The study results showed that of the 91 respondents who had stunting children, 49.5% with parents who married at the age of the early category. After being assessed more in the value of risk different the age of first marriage with stunting is 19 which means that 19% of stunting can be prevented by getting married at the ideal age. After being assessed more in the value of risk different the age of first marriage with stunting is 19 which means that 19% of stunting can be prevented by getting married at the ideal age. This is a serious matter and needs to be addressed as an effort to break the chain of the emergence of stunting in the world. Cross-sector cooperation needs to be encouraged to prevent the emergence of marriage at a young age.

Key Words: Stunting, Age of First Marriage

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