Supratti Supratti, Zulhaini Sartika A. Pulungan


Children are the next generation and determinants of the quality of the future human resources in the need to be given special attention. Considering a large number of under-five children in Indonesia, that is equal to 10% of the population. The quality of their growth and development is determined by the success of growth and development in the period of the first two years. One of the factors that influence child growth is the care factor. Parenting pattern affects the level of mental development, emotional and physical health of children. Inappropriate parenting pattern or inappropriate for a children's development can reduce the children's immune system. This study aimed to determine the effect of parenting pattern on the level of development of under-two-years (Baduta) children in Mamuju Regency, West Sulawesi. This study is an analytic observational study with a sectional cross research design. The study population was all Baduta in the working area of Puskesmas Tampapadang, Bambu and Binanga. Sampling method was accidental sampling and the number of samples was 96 people. The questionnaire used was the Kuesioner Pra Skrining Perkembangan (KPSP) of children aged 3-24 months to measure the development of speech and language skills, motoric skills, subtle movement, socialization and independence abilities. The Questionnaire measures parenting pattern using parenting questionnaires. Data were obtained in the field by distributing KPSP questionnaires according to the age of the children and parenting questionnaires to the children's parent while conducting direct observation on the growth and development of children. The research shows that there is a correlation between parenting styles (p = 0.014) and the level of development of Baduta in Mamuju. It is expected that parents apply parenting pattern according to the level of children's development, and health education to parents about the influence of parenting pattern on the growth and development of children.

Keywords:  Development, parenting pattern, under-two-years baby, Mamuju

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