Yudianti Yudianti, Muh Hasyim, Najdah Najdah


Moringa ( moringa oleifera are ), is a plant that has many the benefit that the womb nutrition especially on the leaves and its fruit. A lot of research that's been done relating to nutrient content in the leaves that are utilized in addressing the problem of good nutrition on toddlers, pregnant women and nursing mothers, even has a lot of company that has patented a leaf of this plant as a commercial product In the form of flour ( powder ) or in the form of estrak. Moringa , besides leaves, the fruit or moringa seeds has also frequently used. A substance of nutrition in moringa in 100 grams is generally much taller than a source of other food, In addition these plants containing anti oxidant and contains pollutants. Moringa seeds are often used as a purifier of wastewater. The results of the research on nutrition ingredients moringa seeds Had been reported as is conducted by seeing a difference in the level of catfish growth  fed with by the addition of soy beans with those fed with the addition of Moringa seed flour, for 8 weeks, It is reported that there is a significant difference (P < 0.05) Group fed with the addition of the seed flour weight of fish higher than the one given the Soy beans (Yuangsoi, at all, 2013). The purpose of this research is to know the nutrient content of kelor based on fruit age. Iron and calcium content is more acquired in young moringa grain flour. The research was conducted at the Health Laboratory of the Indonesian Ministry of Health Makassar. More protein content is obtained from dried Moringa seed flour.

Key words: Nutritional content, Moringa seeds

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