Formulation High Fiber Cookies Using Modified Banana Flour (Musa paradisiaca)

Firdaus Syafii, Hasmar Fajriana


Local food in Mamuju that has the potential as a functional food is banana. Banana that have been made of flour and modified can be used as a substitute for wheat flour in the manufacture of cookies. This research aims to formulate high-fiber cookies substituted with modified banana flour as a functional food. There were four steps of research (modified banana flour, cookies, sensory analysis and physicochemical tests. Completely randomized design (CRD) was applied b involving four factors of kepok banana flour modified which  were F0 (0%), F1 (25%), F2 (50%), and F3 (75%).  The parameters measured were organoleptic tests (taste, aroma, color, and texture). In addition, carried out physicochemical tests on the best formula.  The results showed that the best formula was obtained in the F2 treatment which was 50% banana flour substituted cookies. The selected cookies (F2)  contained  4.08% moisture, 43.02% resistant starch,  40.24%  starch digestibility, and  15.51%   dietary fiber. The selected cookies has good sensory quality and  it can be used as a functional food and can be consumed especially to control the weight and people with  diabetes mellitus.

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