Askur Askur, Ridhayani Adiningsih, Abdul Ganning


Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) is an infectious disease caused by the Dengue virus and is transmitted through the mosquito vector of Aedes aegypti. DHF cases in Indonesia were reported in 2019 as many as 138,127 cases. The purpose of the study was to determine the effectiveness of using Bidara Leaf as a natural larvicide. This type of research is purely experimental because the larvae of Aedes aegypti are treated by being put into a solution that has been mixed with bidara leaf extract with several variations, namely 0.5 ml, 1 ml, 1.5 ml and 2 ml. The location of the research was carried out in the Integrated Laboratory of Poltekkes, Ministry of Health, Mamuju. The part of the bidara plant used is the leaf. Bidara leaf extract is obtained by making bidara leaf simplicia. Based on the larval mortality table above, it can be seen that in a 0.5 ml solution of bidara leaf extract, no larvae died. In a solution of 1 ml of bidara leaf extract, the larvae began to die at 40 minutes of observation with an average mortality of 2 from each treatment. At 60 and 80 minutes of observation, the average mortality was 2 and 1.6 from each treatment. In a solution of 1.5 ml of bidara leaf extract, the larvae began to die at 40 minutes of observation, which was 2.6 at 60 minutes of observation and 2.3 at 80 minutes of observation. In a solution of 2 ml of bidara leaf extract, the larvae began to die during the 20 minute observation time of 2,3. At the observation of 40 minutes of 12.6. The highest mortality occurred in the addition of a solution of 2 ml of bidara leaf extract with an observation time of 40 minutes. It is known that the greater the addition of bidara leaf extract solution and the longer the observation time, the higher the mortality rate of Aedes aegypti larvae.


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DOI: https://doi.org/10.32382/uh.v3i1.2477


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