The Physical Activity of Patients Diagnosed with Diabetes Mellitus: A Basis for A Counseling Program

Amriati Mutmainna, Rusni Mato, Sitti Nurbaya, Dahrianis Dahrianis


Physical activity is good to exercise every day. It means that people have to know what will they do and when will they do. Some of people had already diagnosed with diabetes mellitus that means they have to know their exercise completely suitable with them. The purpose of this study was to analysis factors that affected assessment physical activity of patients with diabetes mellitus. This study was cross sectional design with descriptive survey approach. There are 72 respondents taken as subjects in this study. Quantitative data in this study used frequency, percentage, mean value, and chi-square test. Rating assessments for physical activity in this study ranged from very high, high, moderate, to low degree. The results showed that there was no significant difference on the participant’s physical activity and their age, body mass index, and history of smoking. However, there was a significant difference on the participant’s physical activity and their gender, blood sugar levels. Assessment of this physical activity through the Diabetes Mellitus Self-Management Questionnaire (DSMQ) by looking at control of their physical activity, it is considered an effective approach to treat a variety of patients conditions diabetes mellitus through a counselling program. The conclusion on this study that physical activity behaviour of respondents has an influence on blood sugar levels. It recommended that patients with diabetes mellitus control physical activity because it can help patients to control blood sugar within normal limits.

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