A Study on the Social Support Approach in Overcoming Drop-Out (DO) and Multi Drug Resistant (MDR) Patients of Tuberculosis

Simunati Simunati, Sudirman Sudirman, Abd. Hady J, Andi Asrina


Nowadays, the medical approach over still dominating and hegemonies in overcoming tuberculosis (TB), and its fact, not only the patient population and the prevalence of TB that continues to increase from year to year, but drop-out (DO) and multi-drug resistant (MDR) TB cases also increasingly widespread among people with TB. Therefore, its better to try to examine the social support approach as a solution to overcome these problems. The research objective was to analyze the development of a social support approach to overcome DO-MDR TB. A quantitative-qualitative descriptive as type of research. Design by case study, analytic, evaluative, phenomenological, exploratory – comparative. Location at Gowa Regency. 100 TB sufferer as sample. Data collection by literature study, documentation, observation, questionnaires, interviews. A qualitative descriptive as data analysis. Results was there are seven main and important aspects in the social support approach to preventing and overcome DO-MDR TB, namely: (1) Their view and belief that social support can play an important role as a multidimensional drug in the process of treatment and healing of the disease, (2) Knowledge regarding the sources, types and components of social support needed, (3) Perceptions on social support need from people close, (4) Perceptions on their behavior, (5) Patients' behavior, (6) Positive perception about the role of social support, (7) Social support as the main supporting factor. Recommendation: Social support needs to be institutionalized as an integrated approach that strengthens medical approaches in preventing and overcoming DO-MDR TB cases.

Keywords: Social support, DO-MDR TB, approach

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.32382/uh.v3i1.2501


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