Analysis of Examination Results of Ast (Aspartate Aminotransferase) and Alt (Alanine Aminotransferase) Levels in Covid-19 Patient in RS TK II Pelamonia Makassar

Andi Favian Orvala Ruhban, Syahida Djasang, Rahman Rahman


Covid-19 (Corona Virus Disease 2019) patients tend to have abnormalities in liver function tests, therefore the examination of AST and ALT levels as very specific parameters, is really useful in assessing liver function and exploring the severity of the disease suffered by patients. The aims of this study was to analyze the examination results of AST (Aspartate Aminotransferase) and ALT (Alanine Aminotransferase) levels in COVID-19 patient. The type of research wais in the form of laboratory observation by referring to secondary data obtained from the medical record database of patients diagnosed with Covid-19. Descriptive research method with sampling technique using simple random sampling There were 100 samples consisting of 51 men and 49 women, were taken in RS Tk.II Pelamonia Makassar on April 9th to 20th, 2021. For two days, focus of the study was obtained that the examination results of AST and ALT levels were from 100 samples showing that 74% of AST levels were normal and 26% were abnormal, while ALT levels were 72% normal and 28% abnormal. These results refer to the standard AST/SGOT for Men 10 - 37 U/l and Women 10 - 31 U/l, while for ALT/SGPT, for Men: 10 - 41 U/l and Women 10 - 31 U/l. The conclusion of the study showed that the normal results of AST levels were more than the abnormal values, as well as the normal values of ALT levels more than those that were not normal. It is recommended for further researcher to use more complete data and consider factor that can affect the examination results.

Keywords: Covid-19, AST, ALT

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