Acceptance and Content of Macro Nutritional Instant Baby Porridge Red Rice Flour and Soy Beans With Substitute of Moringa Leaf Flour

Zakaria Zakaria, Hikmawati Mas’ud, Sunarto Sunarto, Nursalim Nursalim, Nur Fajri Amalia


Complementary foods are needed for baby after six month because breast milk no longer sufficient for his nutritional needs. The purpose of this research was to determine the acceptability and macronutrient content of instant porridge with brown rice flour with the addition of soy flour and substitution of Moringa leaf flour as complementary foods. This research was a pre-experimental research with a one shot group design approach. Moringa leaf flour substitution formulas were 0%, 5%, 8% and 11%, respectively. Acceptance is tested organoleptically with the hedonic test method (preferred) by moderately trained panelists. The results of the acceptance test of the best instant porridge were calculated for the macronutrient content using the Indonesian Food Composition Table. The results of the study were analyzed descriptively qualitatively percentage. The acceptability of instant porridge on aspects of color, aroma, texture can be accepted in the substitution formula of Moringa leaf flour up to 8%, which is 60-88% of panelists like it. but the level of acceptance in the taste aspect is still low, the highest is in the addition of 5% Moringa leaf flour, namely (52% panelists). Instant porridge in 100 g contains 425.4 kcal energy, protein 20.5 g, fat 12.5, and carbohydrates 62.1 g. It was concluded that instant porridge was acceptable in the 8% Moringa leaf flour substitution formula based on the color, aroma and texture aspects, but was still low on the taste aspect. Instant porridge has met the requirements for macronutrient content as MP-ASI in 100 g of instant porridge.

Keywords : Instant porridge, Moringa leaf flour,Soy beans

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