Antioxidant Compound Profile and Total Flavonoid Levels of Ethanolic Extract 70% and 96% Cinnamon (Cinnamomum Burmannii)

Nurisyah Nurisyah, Asyhari Asyikin, Ratnasari Dewi, Tajuddin Abdullah


Cinnamon (Cinnamomum burmannii) is a spice plant that commonly used by the community as an additive in food processing and as one of pharmaceutical ingredient in the pharmaceutical industry. Cinnamon is known to contain secondary metabolites as bioactive compounds that can be used as a source of exogenous antioxidants that could treat various degenerative diseases. However, the obstacle that often occurs in research on natural materials is when the chemical components was extracted as bioactive compounds that contained in these natural materials. Therefore, the exploration of cinnamon as a natural antioxidant is very necessary. The purpose of this study was to determine the profile of antioxidant compounds in the ethanol extract of cinnamon bark and to determine the total flavonoid content. Extraction was carried out by maceration method using 70% and 96% ethanol as solvent. Detection of the content of antioxidant compounds in the extract was carried out using the TLC method, the resulting spot was sprayed with DPPH reagent. Total flavonoid content was determined by using quercetin as the comparison standard based on colorimetric principles and measured by UV-Vis spectrophotometer at a wavelength of 400 – 500 nm. The results of the analysis showed that each of the 5 spots on the TLC chromatogram was observed using at 254nm UV lamp. Detection of antioxidant compounds showed that there were 2 compounds that had antioxidants quality, they were the 3rd and 4th spots. The total flavonoid content of 70% ethanol extract was 49.65% or equivalent to 496.5 mgQE/g extract, while in 96% ethanol it was 29.08% or equivalent to 290.8 mgQE/g extract. Therefore, it can be concluded that the highest total of flavonoid content was obtained in 70% ethanol extract.


Keywords: Antioxidant, extract, flavonoid, cinnamom burmannii

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