The Construction a Model of the Community Empowerment to Prevention, Preparedness and Response Disaster Emergency

Abd Hady J, Naharia Laubo, Firdaus W Firdaus W, Suhaeb Suhaeb, Hariani Hariani


There are various methods or models of community empowerment, both in theory and in practice, policies and programs, in reality, none of them are really effective in overcoming various problems in the community, including in terms of prevention and preparedness for disaster emergencies. The aims of this study was to analyze and explain the development of community empowerment methods or models in disaster prevention and preparedness and disaster emergency response. The type of research was descriptive qualitative, with a case study design, phenomenology, exploratory-explanative, analytic-comparative, evaluative. The research location was in Bili-Bili Village, Bonto Marannu District, Gowa Regency, South Sulawesi Province. The sample was 125 families with purposive sampling technique. Data collection techniques are library research, documentation, observation, questionnaires, interviews and FGDs. The data were analyzed with a qualitative approach. Results and conclusions, community empowerment is not optimal due to the presence of internal and external factors both in society and the government as well as the weakness of the empowerment method used. The construction of the community empowerment method or model developed includes four domains, namely the core domain includes awareness, capacity building, empowerment, and civilizing, the second domain includes the involvement of formal institutions and non-formal institutions, the third domain includes potentials, constraints, disadvantages and advantages, and the domain The fourth includes assessment subvariables and indicators. Implication: without the application of the model, it is difficult to achieve empowerment goals and targets it.


Keywords: model, empowerment, prevention, disaster preparedness.

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