Analysis of Levels Blood Cholinesterase and Factors of Defects of Pesticides in Farmer Spraying of Rice in the Pakalu Village Kallabirang District Bantimurung

Haderiah Haderiah, Mulyadi Mulyadi, Lataha Lataha


The use of pesticides is one of the iceberg phenomena for working groups engaged in agriculture. In the 20th century synthetic pesticides were discovered and have various advantages so that they can quickly increase the yield of a desired agricultural product. Anticholinesterase insecticides are the largest part of modern synthetic insecticides which are widely used in plant pest control. This aims of the study was to analyze the factors of poisoning in farmers who spray pesticides on rice plants in Kallabirang Village, Bantimurung District. The type of research used was analytic with a cross sectional research design. The population and the sample is female pesticide spraying farmers living in Pakalu, Kallabirang Village, Maros Regency. The number of samples was 50 samples. Farmers and the sampling technique was total sampling. The data obtained will be analyzed using a bivariate statistical test, namely Chi square. The results after processing and analyzing the data using a statistical test, namely Chi square, the following results were obtained; for the variable method of spraying, the use of personal protective equipment (PPE), the frequency of spraying p value < 0.05 this means that there is a statistically significant relationship with cholinesterase levels, while for the variable spraying time and working period p value > 0.05 means that there is no a statistically significant relationship with cholinesterase levels in the blood of pesticide spraying farmers in Pakalu Hamlet, Kallabirang Village, Bantimurung Maros District. For further researchers can examine other relevant variables such as personal hygiene, nutritional status, types of pesticides used and other variables.

Keywords: blood cholinesterase farmer spraying pesticide

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