A Method of Stunting Reduction Intervention Based on Community and Local Culture

Hariani Hariani, Ramlah D Ramlah D, Abd. Hady J, Rahmatiah Rahmatiah


Policies and programs to reduce stunting by specific and sensitive nutrition intervention methods tend to be one-sided and top-down, namely based on the will of the government alone without paying attention to the wishes, interests and needs of the community and local culture. The aim of the study was to analyze specific and sensitive nutrition intervention methods for stunting reduction based on the community and local culture. A quantitative-qualitative descriptive as kind of research. Design by Case study, analytic, evaluative, phenomenological, exploratory – comparative. South Bontonompo District, Gowa Regency as location. Purposive sampling used to take 4 villages and 100 families. Data collected by literature study, documentation, observation, questionnaires, interviews. Data analysis with qualitative descriptive. The results of this study was development of community-based and local culture-based stunting reduction intervention methods covers five domains, namely: Core domains: analysis of potential, constraints, disadvantages and advantages; The domain of institutional roles is both formal government institutions (leading sector and lining sector) and non-formal community institutions in implementing any intervention methods. The domain of upholding the local culture include the reproductive health care culture, clean and healthy and prosperous culture, nurturing and caring for children culture, and the culture of nutrition and eating; The domain of coordination and cooperation, as well as the participation and role of all relevant parties and institutions; SWOT analysis domain. Recommendations, the Government and empowerment parties/institutions need to consider the application of the five domains of stunting reduction intervention methods.

Keywords: method, based, local culture, community

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.32382/uh.v3i1.2554


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