alam 92, Jamilah Mirayanti, Nurun Salaman Al Hidayat


Many people smoke just because of social factors without thinking about the bad effects it will have on their bodies, especially the respiratory system. Many teenagers smoke just because of social factors without thinking about the bad effects that will happen to their bodies, especially their respiratory system. The research method used was true experimental design using randomized pretest-posttest control group design. The results of the study using the Wilcoxon test showed that the two groups both showed significant results, namely p = 0.00 <p = 0.05 which indicates that there is the influence of motivation to use video and WhatsApp in reducing the number of cigarettes inhaled by active smokers. Even though they both had the same results, the number of changes in the intervention group was more than the control group. The control group experienced a decrease by 26 people, while the control group was only 15 people. Conclusion, motivation to use video and WhatsApp is effective in reducing the number of cigarettes inhaled by active smokers..


Motivation, Videos, WhatsApp, Reducing the Number of Cigarettes


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