Pendapingan dan Pelatihan Pembuatan Mie basah dan Kripik Stik dengan Penambahan Tepung daun kelor di Kelurahan Katimbang

Zakaria Zakaria Zakaria, Retno Sri Lestari


Nutritional problems besides being a poverty syndrome are closely related to food security problems at the household level, they also involve aspects of knowledge and behavior that do not support a lifestyle. Katimbang Village there are 18.1% undernourished children under five and 6.7% very malnourished. Factors that also influence the incidence of malnutrition include low knowledge about nutrition, including knowledge about Moringa leaves, children are lazy to eat or lack of appetite, so that the nutritional intake given to toddlers is also very minimal. The purpose of this community service is so that mothers of children under five with malnutrition and malnutrition can increase their knowledge and skills in utilizing Moringa leaves as a source of daily food in an effort to prevent and overcome the problem of malnutrition. This service method is by providing assistance to the community (Health Kaders, PKK mothers and mothers of children under five) in processing and preparing food in the family by utilizing Moringa leaves. Knowledge of cadres who participated in the training increased from a good 65% to 95% and could practice making noodles and Moringa sticks. The nutritional status of children under five cannot be monitored properly because of the community activity restriction program (PPKM). So that this activity program can be implemented in every kelurahan in every posyandu. Monitoring of nutritional status must still be carried out, so that nutritional problems can be addressed immediately if they are found in the community

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