Sri Nurjianti, Mirna Mirna, Andi Asrina, Arman Arman


Homosexuality has a tendency to engage in sexual attraction involving emotional and romantic with the same sex or sexual activity carried out a man with men. Homosexual consist of Gay, Shemale, Man sex with men (MSM) whose sexual orientation can be formed by internal and externa factors such a past trauma, economic factor, and situation. The purpose of this study was to analyze the factors that trigger the formation of sexual orientation in Gay, shemale, MSM in Makassar City. The method of this research is qualitative by using observation techniques, in-depth interviews, an documentation. The informants of this study consisted of 6 young Gay, Shemale, Man sex with men (MSM)as the main informants selected with criteria of age 18-23 years, 2 outreaches supporting informants and 1 community leader as key informants. Based on the results of this study, it was found that at the age of 18 year young Gay, Shemale, Man sex with men (MSM) sexual orientation had been formed and confirmed his sexual identity which was based on reasons: 3 informant expressed love for fellow men because of past trauma, heartache left behind by lovers and betrayed by loved ones, 1 informant because of the situation and conditions when he was a studying in one of the boarding school where all of his residents were men, 2 informants revealed for economic reasons, in this case the choice to become transvestites and work in a beauty salon to help families and MSM financed by their partners. Having a sense of comfort and feeling mutual understanding when establishing relationships with fellow men makes the informant feel attraction to having risky sexual relations. Referring to this study, it can be concluded that the sexual orientation of individuals including young Gay, Shemale, Men who sex with men (MSM) in Makassar City is a result of interactions with the surrounding environment such as a history of past trauma, situation, and economy. It is recommended that health promotion activities be further enhanced to reduce risky behavior in Makassar City.

Keywords: Sexual orientation, Young MSM, Makassar.

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