Lisnawati Lisnawati, Sumiaty Sumiaty, Unun Fadliah


Antenatal Care (ANC) is the care provided by skilled health professional nurses towards pregnant women and young women to ensure the best health conditions for mothers and babies during pregnancy. The coverage of maternal health services at Sangurara Health Center for K1 and K4 were 99.3% and 93%. However, this achievement has not yet reached the national target of 95% and 100%. The purpose of this research was to determine the relationship of husband support and health officers support through ANC visits for pregnant women. The type of this research was analytical with a cross-sectional approach. The research population was 285 respondents. The sampling technique uses Purposive sampling with a total of 74 respondents. The results showed 47 pregnant women who had ANC visits regularly (64%). Pregnant women who received husband support were 52 respondents (70%) and received support from active health officers as many as 53 respondents (72%). The Chi-Square test results showed that there was a significant relationship between husband's support and ANC visits of pregnant women (p=0.01) and there was a significant relationship between the health officers support and ANC visits towards pregnant women (p=0.01). A pregnant woman who had the support of her husband would be motivated to make regular ANC visits to health officers. Health officers who actively support pregnant women during prenatal care will strengthen the formation of continuous ANC visits. In conclusion, there is a relationship between the husband's support and the health professional supports through ANC visits. It is recommended that the midwife and the health community center can involve the husband in carrying out ANC visits and the health worker still provides an explanation of the importance of prenatal care to the mother and husband.

Keywords: ANC Visit, Support, Husband, Health Officer

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