Ruslan Hasani, Akhmad Akhmad, Ramlah Dilla


The term first 1000 days of a child's life or the first thousand days begin introduced in 2010 since planned Movement Scaling-up Nutrition at the global level. This effort systematically involving various stakeholder interests especially government, the business world and thesociety to give special attention to pregnant women to childrenaged 2 years, especially food, health and nutritional needs. This research aims to analyze the Implementation of Roles and Functions of Family and Stakeholders Interests in Support Fulfillment the First 1000 Days of Nutrition in Children’s Life. The research method is qualitative research with an explanative phenomenological approach. The research was conducted in Mamajang Sub-district, Makassaar City, South Sulawesi Province and Barangka District, West Muna District, Southeast Sulawesi province from April to October 2018. The sampling technique was purposive sampling with 12 (twelve) people consisting of parents and close of Children’s families, related such as the Regional government, Health Officers who are involved in the first 1000 days of children’s life. The data analysis technique used in this study is to understand the instructions of Miles and Huberman (1992). The results showed that of the four who suffered from malnutrition there was one child because the family's economic function was disrupted due to the role of the father who abandoned the child, there was one children who suffered from malnutrition due to the family's economic disruption caused by the father not living with his child. Children suffered from malnutrition because the family health care function that did not work well included one malnourished one due to lung disease due to a father who smoked in the room and one person suffered from malnutrition due to his mother not routinely taking her child to the Integrated Service Centre (Posyandu) to weigh. The conclusion of the study is to fulfill the nutritional needs of the first 1000 days of a child's life is closely related to the role and function of the family, the role of the local government and the role of the health center officers.

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