Burlian Mughnie, Galuh Nurul Annisa, Ahmad Jet Adyas


Disability number in Indonesia is 9,046 million people from 237 million in total population based on SUSENAS (2012). Prothesis is a device to replace the missing body part. The used of prosthesis itself might be interfered by the knowledge of the patient on how to use and take care the prosthesis. It is very important for the patient to have good knowledge in that aspect as it could improve their quality of life and daily activities. This study aimed to the knowledge level of amputee in using and taking care the prosthesis with its influences before and after counselling and its correlation with age, education level, and economic status. This research is pseudo experimental research (quasi experiment). The variable consist of amputee whom using lower limb prostheses and knowledge (education level, economic status, experiences, and information) in using and taking care the prosthesis. the research was focus to the lower limb prosthetics user. The participants were gathered to fill in the pre-test questioner to know the knowledge level in using and taking care the prosthesis while assessing the factors that might influences the knowledge level. Amputee were then given an educational counselling with the topic of treating the stump and prosthesis. The post-test questioner was given after. Result shown The pre-test shows mean that the of level of knowledge good is 0%, fair is 33,3%, and poor is 66,7%. was 46.31±10.18 and The the post-test shows that mean the of level of knowledge good is 0%, fair is 33,3%, and poor is 66,7%was 61.05±8.15. meaning Meaning that there is an improvement of knowledge in a good direction from the statistics calculation. Based on Mann Whitney calculation the p value is 0,001 which p value < 0,05 meaning that there is a significant influence in before and after counselling on the patients in using and taking care the prosthesis. There is no correlation between the education level, age, economic status, and experiences in using and taking care the prosthesis with the p value >0,005.

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