Ahmady Ahmady, Ashriady Ashriady, Dina Mariana


According to the World Health Organization (WHO), Asphyxia causes 23% of all neonatal deaths worldwide and the fifth largest cause of death at the age of under five years (8%). The causes of Infant Mortality Rate (IMR) in Indonesia include the slow growth of the fetus (23.53%), lack of oxygen in the womb (intra uterine hypoxia) (21.24%), neonatal asphyxia (29.23%). AKB in West Sulawesi Province in 2015 amounted to 337 deaths or 13.24 / 1000 Births. The prolonged labor contributes to maternal mortality and newborn mortality. The prolonged labor will cause infection, dehydration, and run out of energy can sometimes cause post partum bleeding which can cause maternal death. Premature rupture of membrane affects asphyxia due to the occurrence of oligohydramnios which suppresses the umbilical cord so that the umbilical cord is narrowed and the blood flow that carries maternal oxygen to the baby is hampered causing neonatal asphyxia or hypoxia in the fetus. The aim of the study was to analyze the risk factors for Old Partus and Premature rupture of membrane on the incidence of asphyxia in Newborns in Mamuju District Hospital and West Sulawesi Regional Regional Hospital. This type of research is an analytical study with a Case Control Study design. Time of study in August - September of 2018. Population cases were all infants born and experiencing asphyxia, the control population was all infants born and not experiencing asphyxia in the Regional General Hospital of Mamuju Regency and General Hospital of West Sulawesi Province. Case sample size = 36 and control sample = 72, with a ratio of 1: 2, the total sample size is 108 people using purposive sampling technique. The results showed that mothers who experienced prolonged labor risk 9,609 times. Preventive efforts need to be made by providing good knowledge to pregnant women during antenatal care regarding the high risk of pregnancy that can lead to prolonged parturition asphyxia so that if it occurs it can be treated early.

Keywords: prolonged labor, premature rupture of membrane, Asphyxia

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