Fajar Akbar, Fahrul Islam


Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever in Indonesia has been a public health problem for the past 41 years. Since 1968 there has been an increase in the number of provinces and districts / cities endemic to DHF, from 2 provinces and 2 cities, to 32 (97%) and 382 (77%) districts / cities in 2009 (1). Orange plants with various varieties contain ingredients that can be used as natural insecticides in larvae. This study included the type of experiment with a completely randomized design that was testing the effectiveness of grapefruit peel extract (Citrus grandis) and lime (Citrus aurantifolia) as Aedes aegypti biolarvasida. This research will be conducted at the Mamuju Ministry of Health Polytechnic Building. The time of this study was in March - August 2018. The object of this study was orange peel extract which was exposed to instar III and IV Aedes aegypti larvae. The stages of research activities include making orange peel extract, preliminary test phase and research test phase. The results showed that the number of larval deaths exposed to lime peel extract (Citrus aurantifolia) with an average mortality of 97.3% was effective in killing Aedes aegypti larvae because more than 50% compared to the skin extract of grapefruit skin extract (Citrus grandis) with the average mortality is 1.3% so it is not effective in killing Aedes aegypti larvae because it is less than 50%.

Keywords: extract, orange, peel, aedes aegypti

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.32382/uh.v2i1.1814


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