Establishment Of A Covid-19 Administration (Jucovid) As A Strategic Measures For The Protection Of Family From Covid-19 Transmission; A Library Study

Malik Saepudin


The Covid-19 pandemic has had a wide impact on the economy and health, of course, has received great attention from various parties. The purpose of this research was to provide an idea about the formation of a Covid interpreter in each family to analyze the importance of a Covid interpreter in accelerating the handling of the national-19 pandemic. The method used was descriptive qualitative, with the type of library research (library research). The results of this study There was no effective formulation against COVID-19 in Indonesia, so the burden on the health care system is getting heavier. Handling activities at the downstream level tend to be more difficult and expensive, because community participation is less than optimal. Conclusion The establishment of a Covid-19 Monitor is a strategic formulation in protection from Covid-19 transmission in Indonesia. Jucovid's activities are focused on the upstream level, as well as ensuring sustainable implementation and totality to the community. The formulation of the formation of Jucovid is also in line and will further encourage the implementation of: Implementation of Community Activity Restrictions (IOCAR) starting from the lowest level, namely neighboring associations (NA)/citizen associations (CA)


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