Patterns of Using Masks in Prevention of Covid-19 Transmission in Makassar, Indonesia

M. Askar M. Askar, Ernawati Ernawati, Wa Mina La Isa, Muhammad Nur


The case of Covid-19 infection rate in Makassar, Indonesia is still high. Recently, the government is still implementing community activity restriction to reduce the rate of the pandemic. However, this is not enough, the policy needs to be accompanied by increasing the effectiveness of other intervention measures, including masks. This study aims to provide an overview of the behavioral pattern of using masks in the public area in Makassar. The results of this study are expected to be used as basic data in taking appropriate steps in increasing efforts to prevent the transmission of Covid-19 in Makassar. The results of the study showed that public awareness in using masks is quite high, the motivation to use masks mostly comes from intrinsic motivation, and dominantly of the subject has been able to adapt to the behavior of wearing masks. However, some behaviors of wearing masks still need to be improved with health education, including frequently put on and take off behavior when using masks, the length of time using masks replacing with new or clean ones, management of masks that have been used so those masks are disposed of in a closed container as much as possible. To maintain the behavior of wearing masks in the public, it is necessary to conduct further research on the proper technique of wearing masks to reduce the feeling of shortness of breath and discomfort that mask users complain about and the prevention of condensation on glasses users when wearing masks.


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