Breastfeeding Education on Mother about Exclusive Breastfeeding in Mamuju Regency, West Sulawesi Province

Dina Mariana, Idayati Idayati, Satriani G Satriani G


Breast milk is the best food that can meet the growth and development needs of babies until the age of 6 months. The purpose of the study was to assess the effect of breastfeeding education on the level of knowledge of mothers about exclusive breastfeeding in Mamuju. This type of research is experimental with a quasi experimental using a non-randomized control group pretest-posttest design. The samples were pregnant women at Puskesmas Beru - Beru and PuskesmasTampapadang who met the sample criteria. The number of Samples are 32, using purposive sampling technique. The results showed that there was an increase in knowledge about exclusive breastfeeding in the intervention group after being given breastfeeding education (p = 0.02); there was a difference in knowledge about exclusive breastfeeding between the intervention group and the control group after the intervention (p = 0.000). This study recommends that health workers, especially midwives, play an active role in providing breastfeeding education to pregnant women through breastfeeding counseling activities in Antenatal Care and Postnatal Care services so as to increase the coverage of exclusive breastfeeding in Mamuju.

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