Relationship between the Role of Health Cadres with Immunization of Tetanus Toxoid (TT) in Women of Childbearing Age in the Work Area of Mangasa Health Center of Makassar

Ambo Dalle, Sukriyadi Sukriyadi, Ningsih Jaya, Sukma Saini, Sudirman Sudirman


The implementation of TT (Tetanus Toxoid) Immunization is a form of tetanus infection that is currently still a risk factor for maternal death and infant death,  with one of them in the form of a health cadre in promotive efforts sustainably. The purpose of this research was to determine the role of health cader with TT immunization in Women of Childbearing Age. Design of research was Cross-Sectional Study with population all women of childbearing age who were in the working area of Mangasa Health Center of Makassar City. The population was estimated at 1140 people and based on the formula, the number of samples was 296 respondents with a purposive sample method and data analyzed with chi-square test. The study results were the relationship of the role of health cadres with the Immunization of TT obtained a value of p = 0.000. There was a relationship between the role of health cadres with the provision of TT immunization in Women of Childbearing Age in the Working Area of Mangasa Health Center in Makassar City. For health centers and related agencies to increase the knowledge of women of childbearing age and their families to be motivated to carry out TT immunizations; This includes increasing cadre knowledge about the importance of TT immunization.

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