The Relationship Between Behavior of Hospital Officers with the Use of PPE to Prevent Nosocomial Infections in Thalia Irham Hospital Kab. Gowa

Lutfiah Amanda Harris, Andi Ruhban, Muh. Ikbal Arif


One of the unexpected occurrences of activities in the hospital is nosocomial infection. Therefore, it takes attention from all hospital officials regarding the behavior of the use of qualified PPE to protect themselves from the infection. The purpose of the study was to find out the relationship between the behavior of hospital officials and the use of PPE to prevent nosocomial infections in Thalia Irham Hospital Kab. Gowa. This research was an analytical observational with cross-sectional research design. The samples as many as 70 hospital officials with sampling methods that are with total sampling. Data analysis processed with statistical tests. The results of the study at Thalia Irham Hospital Kab. Gowa was from the three variables studied as a whole has a significant relationship between knowledge (p-value = 0.000), attitude (p-value = 0.033), action (p-value = 0.027) with the use of PPE in 2021 to prevent nosocomial infection. The research conclusion is concluded that there is a relationship between the behavior of hospital officials and the use of PPE to prevent nosocomial infections.

Keywords:  Behavior, Hospital, Hospital officials, Nosocomial infection, PPE

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