Negative Correlation between the scoring prevention policy with stunting prevalence in South Sulawesi: Cross-Sectional Study

Agustian Ipa, Sirajuddin Sirajuddin, Rudy Hartono


Currently, the most serious nutritional problem in Indonesia is stunting. The prevalence of stunting nationally is 36% and South Sulawesi reaches 30.8%. Stunting prevention starts from the pre-conception period until the child is two years old. Objectives of this study was to investigate policy brief the government South Sulawesi to stunting prevention. The method of this study was observational with a policy evaluation approach, based on secondary and primary resources in the 2015-2020 policy period. Data sources from nutrition Big data, Food Security Big data and other sources related any legal aspect and article.  Methods of collecting data with documentation and interviews. Data analysis with content analysis and statistical analysis with Pearson correlation test. The unit of analysis is the district. Result of the research was that in general, the stunting problem in South Sulawesi is in the moderate category (10-20%). The components of stunting prevention policies are convergence, food security, legislative support, education base, village base, innovation, involving women's organizations, local food, appropriate technology, therapy feeding centres, and monitoring program evaluation. The proposed intervention program is food security, promotion of growth monitoring and integrated management of sick toddlers. The Conclusion that stunting prevention policies in South Sulawesi can be carried out with an integrated approach from the province to the village.

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