Content of Essential Fatty Acids in Polymeric Formula for Stunting Prevention

Hendrayati Hendrayati, Adriyani Adam, Laras Budyghifary


The problem of stunting in children is of particular concern in Indonesia. In 2024 the target prevalence was 14%. In 2021 the prevalence will reach 27.9%. Fulfillment of essential fatty acids in children is still low, even though these fatty acids have the potential to prevent stunting because of their role as nutrients in helping cell formation. The Purpose of this study was to assess the content of essential fatty acids in the form of omega-3, omega-6, DHA and EFA in polymeric formulas composed of local Indonesian foods. The research method was pre-experimental with post-test group design. The polymeric formula was made from various flours such as 20% brown rice, 20% black rice, 20% green beans, 5% carrots, 15% pumpkin, 5% fresh anchovies, 10% cornstarch, 5% refined sugar and various full cream milks 0%,10%,20% and 30%. Formulation was made in the food technology laboratory, Department of Nutrition, Health Polytechnic of Makassar and determination of fatty acid content was carried out at Sig. Laboratory Bogor, method code omega-6 (18-6-1/MU/SMM-SIG (GC)) DHA (18-6-1/MU/SMM-SIG (GC)), Omega (18-6-1/ MU/SMM-SIG (GC) and EPA (18-6-1/MU/SMM-SIG (GC). The results showed that the highest content of essential fatty acids was found in formula 1 for every 100 g of the formula containing omega-6 = 749.35 mg, omega-3 = 203.86 mg, DHA = 15.5 mg and EPA = 14.3 mg. The conclusion of this study shows that the essential fatty acid content of local food ingredients is very good, when referring to the DHANH & MRC recommendation that the fulfillment of omega-3 essential fatty acids in children aged 1-3 years of 40 mg, will meet the needs of DHA and EPA adequately. this means that formula 1 is sufficient if consumed as much as 25 g/day.

Keywords: DHA, EPA, polymeric formula, Omega-3, Omega-6

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Department of Nutritional Science and Food Management, Ewha Womans University, 52, Ewhayeodae-gil, Seodaemun-gu, Seoul 03760, Korea Nutrition Research and Practice 2019;13(4):344-351 ⓒ2019 The Korean Nutrition Society and the Korean Society of Community Nutrition

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