Effectiveness Combination Muscle Energy Technique and Strain Counterstrain Lumbar and Functional Changes to The Range of Motion in Patients With Non Specific Low Back Pain

Tiar Erawan, Sudaryanto Sudaryanto, Mar’a Nur


Non Specific Low Back Paingenerally caused by community activities such as sitting, standing, lifting, and household activity in the long term. The purpose of this study was to determine the difference in effectiveness between the combination of muscle energy technique, strain counterstrain and muscle energy technique on changes in lumbar ROM and functional in patients. This research was a quasi-experimental design with randomized control group pre test - post test. The research was conducted in the village of Gattareng Bulukumba, the sample was a patient Non Specific Low Back Pain in accordance with the inclusion criteria. The number of samples is 22 people who were randomly divided into 2 groups: the treatment granted MET and SCS 11 persons and a control group was given MET as many as 11 people. Based on the analysis of paired samples t in the control group obtained a value of p <0.05 for the ROM of flexion, lateral flexion and lumbar functional, which means that the MET and SCS intervention can result in increased ROM extension, lateral flexion and lumbar significant functional. While the treatment group also obtained a value of p <0.05 for ROM extension, lateral flexion and lumbar functional, which means that the MET intervention can result in increased ROM extension, lateral flexion and lumbar significant functional. Based on independent sample t test obtained by value of p <0.05 for ROM extension, lateral flexion and lumbar functional, which means that intervention SCS MET and MET was not more effective than to increase ROM extension, lateral flexion and lumbar functional. The MET and SCs are not significantly more effective than the MET to increased ROM extension, lateral flexion ROM, and functional ability in patients with Non Specific Low Back Pain.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.32382/uh.v3i1.2529


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