Analysis of the Relationship of Drug Side Effects and Tuberculosis Patient's Compliance After Treating With Drug Synthesis and Herbal Medicine

Rusli Rusli, Rusdiaman Rusdiaman, Raymundus Chaliks, Rudy Hartono, Zizka Zizka, Sainal Edi Kamal, Zulfiah Zulfiah, Rina Asrina, Agust Dwi Djajanti, Ananda Ramadhani


Most of the problems caused by long-term use of TB drugs are adverse drug reactions or side effects of the TB drugs. The high problem of TB in Indonesia is caused by, among other things, case finding and complete treatment, which are less rapid than the spread of the disease. The main goal of treating TB patients is to reduce mortality and morbidity and prevent transmission by curing patients. The prevalence of tuberculosis in men is 3 times higher than in women. The same is happening in other countries. This happens because men are more exposed to TB risk factors such as smoking, exposure to air in the work environment and lack of non-compliance to taking medication. The diverse composition of TB drugs with the aim of being antimicrobial makes drug side effects difficult to avoid so that patient compliance becomes a problem in carrying out TB treatment. The purpose of this study was to analyze the side effects of drugs that occur and the level of patient compliance to taking medicationand to analyze the relationship between the two effects. This research was a quantitative research with a cross sectional study design. This study used a survey method using a questionnaire instrument with the aim of analyzing the relationship between drug side effects and patient compliance. The sample size in this study was 200 respondents. The research locations were 4 community health centers (Puskesmas) and 1 Makassar community lung health center. Data processing and analysis techniques in this study used univariate and multivariate analysis which can be used to confirm that there is a relationship between drug side effects and patient compliance. The results showed that the side effects of drugs greatly affect patient compliance in carrying out TB treatment.

Keywords: Drug side effects, patient compliance and tuberculosis

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