Knowledge of Prevention Tuberculosis Disease in Makassar City of South Sulawesi Province

Herman Herman


Tuberculosis is caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis, with the incidence rate in Indonesia ranked third after China and India and attacked all age groups of people. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) it was reported that Indonesia was one of the 22 countries in the world that has a high burden of TB lungs and ranks third after China and India for TB cases. The incidence of TB cases Lung with BTA (+) in South Sulawesi Province (2013) reported as many as 8,902 cases found in the male type as many as 5,259 cases (59.08%) and in the female sex as many as 3,643 (40.92%) The purpose of this study was to find out the knowledge picture of tuberculosis disease prevention knowledge of the people of Makassar City from aspects knowledge of tuberculosis disease source control, knowledge of tuberculosis disease agent control, and knowledge of increasing body resistance to tuberculosis disease. The type of research was descriptive. The research population was a community domiciled in the Makassar city area. A sample of 335 people was obtained by multi-stage sampling. Research results Overview of knowledge of tuberculosis disease prevention of the people of Makassar City aspects of controlling the source of tuberculosis disease in general category good; Aspects of increasing the body's resistance to tuberculosis disease in general category good; description of the prevention of tuberculosis disease prevention of the people of Makassar City in general category good.

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