The Comparison Results of Examination of Platelet Counts using EDTA Blood and Sodium Citrate Using Hematology Analyzer

Artati Artati


The Platelet count is one of the most important examinations for various cases both involving hemostasis and other cases, including establishing the diagnosis, evaluating the outcome of therapy or the course of a disease, determining the prognosis, and assessing the severity of the disease. So in doing so, we must pay attention to the pre-analytic, analytic, and post-analytic stages. One of the factors that influence platelet count is the use of anticoagulants, which sometimes the use of EDTA anticoagulants can cause cases of pseudo thrombocytopenia, so it is necessary to re-draw blood using Sodium Citrate anticoagulant. This study aimed to determine the Comparison of Platelet Count Examination Results using EDTA blood and Sodium Citrate is a Hematology Analyzer. This study applied a descriptive with a sample of 7 patients with a purposive sampling technique. This research was carried out at the Prodia Manado laboratory from April to May 2020. Data were obtained and analyzed using paired sample t-test. The research findings showed an average number of platelets using EDTA blood of 92.71 (* 10³ / µL) and Sodium Citrate 197.71 (* 10³ / µL) with a (p-value) sig (2-tailed) of 0.001 < alpha value (0.05), thus it can be concluded that there is a significant difference between the number of platelets using EDTA blood and Sodium Citrate in the Hematology Analyzer.

Keywords: Thrombocyte, EDTA, Na Citrate, Hematology Analyzer

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