Formulasi Dan Uji Stabilitas Fisik Sediaan Masker Gel Ekstrak Daun Jeruk Purut (Citrus hystrix D.C)
Formulation And Physical Stability Test For The Preparation Of Orange Leaf Extract Gel Mask (Citrus hystrix D.C)
Phonolic content of Kaffir lime leaf (Citrus hystrix DC). efficacious as an antioxidant but its use is still traditional so it needs to be developed into pharmaceutical products such as gel masks. The purpose of this study was to formulate kaffir lime leaf extract (Citrus hystrix DC) in the form of a gel mask and to test its physical stability. Kaffir lime leaf (Citrus hystrix DC) were macerated using 96% ethanol solvent and then formulated in 3 concentrations with variations in PVA concentrations of 5%, 10% and 15%. Physical tests were carried out before and after accelerated storage which included organoleptic tests, homogeneity, pH, dispersion and drying time of the preparation as well as viscosity. Based on the results of the study, the average pH of the formula 5%, 10% and 15% before the accelerated test was 5.17, 5.67, and 6.17 and after the accelerated test was 6, 6.17, and 6.33. The results of the research average dispersion formula 5% 10% 15% before the accelerated test by 8.1 cm 6.7 cm and 5.1 cm then after the accelerated test 8.3 cm 7.1 cm and 5, respectively, 3 cm. The results of the average drying time for the formula 5% 10% 15% before the accelerated test were 9 minutes 55 seconds, 17 minutes 13 seconds and 22 minutes 7 seconds, then after the accelerated test was 9 minutes 22 seconds, 16 minutes4 seconds and 20 minutes 33 seconds. The results of the average viscosity formula 5% 10% 15% before the accelerated test were 18000 cps, 37500 cps, 40000 cps and after the accelerated test were 14000 cps, 36000 cps, 38000 cps, so it can be concluded that the Leaf Extract Kaffir lime (Citrus hystrix DC) can be formulated as a gel mask preparation and gel mask that meets the requirements and is stable in storage, namely in formulation 3 with a PVA concentration of 15%.
Key words : Kaffir lime leaf extract gel mask, physical stability
Kandungan fenolik Daun Jeruk purut (Citrus hystrix DC). berkhasiat sebagai antioksidan namun penggunaannya masih secara tradisional sehingga perlu dikembangkan menjadi produk kefarmasian seperti masker gel. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk memformulasikan ekstrak daun jeruk purut (Citrus hystrix DC) dalam bentuk Masker Gel dan menguji stabilitas fisiknya. Daun Jeruk Purut dimaserasi menggunakan pelarut etanol 96% lalu diformulasikan dalam 3 konsentrasi dengan variasi pada konsentrasi PVA yaitu 5%, 10% dan 15%. Pengujian fisik dilakukan sebelum dan setelah penyimpanan dipercepat yang meliputi uji organoleptik, homogenitas, pH, daya sebar dan waktu sediaan mengering serta viskositas. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian didapatkan hasil rata-rata pH formula 5%, 10% dan 15% sebelum uji dipercepat yaitu 5,17, 5,67, dan 6,17 dan setelah uji dipercepat sebesar 6, 6,17, dan 6,33. Hasil rata-rata penelitian daya sebar formula 5% 10% 15% sebelum uji dipercepat sebesar 8,1 cm 6,7 cm dan 5,1 cm lalu setelah uji dipercepat berturut-turut sebesar 8,3 cm 7,1 cm dan 5,3 cm. Hasil rata-rata waktu sediaan mengering formula 5% 10% 15% sebelum uji dipercepat berturut-turut sebesar 9 menit 55 detik, 17 menit 13 detik dan 22 menit 7 detik lalu setelah uji dipercepat berturut-turut sebesar 9 menit 22 detik, 16 menit4 detik dan 20 menit 33 detik. Hasil rata-rata viskositas formula 5% 10% 15% sebelum uji dipercepat berturut-turut sebesar 18000 cps, 37500 cps, 40000 cps dan setelah uji dipercepat berturut-turut sebesar 14000 cps, 36000 cps, 38000 cps, sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa Ekstrak Daun Jeruk Purut (Citrus hystrix DC) dapat diformulasikan sebagai sediaan masker gel serta masker gel yang memenuhi syarat dan stabil dalam penyimpanan yaitu pada formulasi 3 dengan konsentrasi PVA 15%.
Kata kunci : Masker Gel Ekstrak Daun Jeruk Purut, Stabilitas Fisik
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