Nurul Khusnul Khotimah




Most patients with hypertension were found to have a low level of adherence to a healthy lifestyle. According to Social Cognitive theory that environmental factors are one that influences a person's behavior and these environmental factors can influence personal factors and then personal factors affect lifestyle compliance. The purpose of knowing the relationship between environmental factors and healthy lifestyle adherence mediated by personal factors in hypertensive patients based on social cognitive theory. The method uses a descriptive analysis approach with explanatory research and uses survey methods. Analysis using PLS. The results of PLS analysis have a relationship between environmental factors and personal factors obtained by the path coefficient value of 0.259 and T statistic of 4.523 (T> 1.96). There is a relationship between environmental factors and compliance with path coefficient values of 0.573 and T statistics 11.634 (T> 1.96). There is a relationship between personal factors and compliance, the path coefficient value is 0.192 and the T statistic is 3.152 (T> 1.96). and conclusion There is a relationship between environmental factors and healthy lifestyle compliance both directly and through the mediation of personal factors.




Keywords: Complian, Environmental Factors, Hypertension, Lifestyle, Personal Factors








Sebagian besar pasien yang mengalami hipertensi ditemukan memiliki tingkat kepatuhan gaya hidup sehat yang tergolong rendah. Menurut Social Cognitive theory bahwa factor lingkungan merupakan salah satu yang mempengaruhi perilaku seseorang dan factor lingkungan ini bisa mempengaruhi factor personal dan kemudian factor personal mempengaruhi kepatuhan gaya hidup. Tujuan mengetahui hubungan antara factor lingkungan dengan kepatuhan gaya hidup sehat yang dimediasi factor personal pada pasien hipertensi berbasis social cognitive theory. Metode menggunakan pendekatan analisis deskriptif dengan penelitian explanatory research dan menggunakan metode survey. Analisis menggunakan PLS. Hasil analisis PLS ada hubungan faktor lingkungan dengan faktor personal didapatkan nilai koefesien jalur 0.259 dan T statistic 4.523 (T>1.96). Ada hubungan faktor lingkungan dengan kepatuhan  didapatkan nilai koefesien jalur 0.573 dan T statistic 11.634 (T>1.96). Ada hubungan faktor personal dengan kepatuhan didapatkan nilai koefesien jalur 0.192 dan T statistic 3.152 (T>1.96).  dan kesimpulan ada hubungan antara factor lingkungan dengan kepatuhan gaya hidup sehat baik secara langsung maupun melalui mediasi factor personal.


Kata kunci : Faktor Lingkungan, Faktor Personal, Gaya Hidup, Hipertensi, Kepatuhan



Complian, Environmental Factors, Hypertension, Lifestyle, Personal Factors


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