- Focus and Scope
- Section Policies
- Peer Review Process
- Open Access Policy
- Publication Ethic
- Abstracting & Indexing
Focus and Scope
Tulisan yang diterima melingkupi rumpun Ilmu Kesehatan Lingkungan dengan diberi kode 359 oleh Kementerian Riset Teknologi Pendidikan Tinggi, yang dapat berupa Artikel Hasil Riset, Book Review, Literatur Review, Komentari/Opini, Berita Ilmiah (Scientific News), dan Letter to Editor. Tulisan tersebut menyangkut Sanitasi Dasar (penyehatan air, pengelolaan limbah cair, pembuangan tinja, penanganan sampah, penyehatan makanan minuman, pengendalian vektor), penyehatan udara, pengamanan pestisida, rumah sehat dan tata graha, perilaku hidup bersih dan sehat, higiene perorangan, sanitasi tempat umum-wisata-matra, sanitasi transportasi, sanitasi industri dan keselamatan kerja, sanitasi rumah sakit, sanitasi kawasan pesisir pantai dan laut, penyakit berbasis lingkungan, analisis mengenai dampak lingkungan, manajemen risiko lingkungan, epidemiologi kesehatan lingkungan
Section Policies
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Peer Review Process
Semua naskah yang dikirimkan ke jurnal ini harus mengikuti fokus dan ruang lingkup, dan pedoman penulis jurnal ini. Naskah yang dikirim harus membahas prestasi ilmiah atau kebaruan yang sesuai dengan fokus dan ruang lingkup. Semua manuskrip harus bebas dari konten plagiarisme. Semua penulis disarankan untuk menggunakan perangkat lunak pendeteksi plagiarisme untuk melakukan pengecekan kesamaan. Editor memeriksa deteksi plagiarisme artikel dalam jurnal ini dengan menggunakan perangkat lunak Turnitin.
Artikel penelitian yang dikirimkan ke jurnal ini akan ditinjau oleh rekan sekurang-kurangnya 2 (dua) atau lebih pengulas ahli. Para pengulas memberikan komentar berharga ilmiah untuk memperbaiki isi naskah.
Keputusan akhir penerimaan artikel akan dibuat oleh Editor sesuai dengan komentar pengulas. Publikasi artikel yang diterima termasuk urutan artikel yang diterbitkan akan dibuat oleh Pemimpin Redaksi dengan mempertimbangkan urutan tanggal yang diterima dan distribusi geografis penulis serta masalah tematik.
Open Access Policy
This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.
Publication Ethic
Publication Ethic
Sulolipu : Media Komunikasi sivitas Akademika dan Masyarakat using guidelines issued by the Committee on Publication Ethics (Commission of Publication Ethics / COPE). Sulolipu : Media Komunikasi sivitas Akademika dan masyarakat requires that all articles involving human subjects to respect the principles of research ethics as stated in the Declaration of Helsinki. As for research involving animals as subjects are also required to comply with the International Principles for Biomedical Research issued by the International Council of Organizations of Medical Sciences (CIOMS). Ethical publication should be clear in order to improve the quality of research. Sulolipu : Media Komunikasi sivitas Akademika dan masyarakat COPE adjust to meet the ethical standards both for publishers, editors, authors, and reviewers.
Here are the ethical standards for editors, authors, and reviewers.
- Editors should be responsible for every article published in Sulolipu : Media Komunikasi sivitas Akademika dan masyarakat.
- Editors should help authors to follow the Guidelines for author.
- Editors may communicate with other editors or reviewers in making the final decision.
- An editor has to evaluate the manuscript objectively for publication, judging each on its quality without looking to nationality, ethnicity, political beliefs, race, religion, gender, seniority, or institutional affiliation of the authors. Editors should decline the assignment when there is a potential for conflict of interest.
- Editors need to ensure the document sent to the reviewers does not contain the information of the author, vice versa.
- Editors’ decision should be informed to authors accompanied by reviewers’ comments unless they contain offensive or libellous remarks.
- Editors should respect requests from authors that an individual should not review the submission if these are well reasoned and practicable.
- Editors and all staffs should guarantee the confidentiality of the submitted manuscript.
- Editors will be guided by the COPE flowcharts if there is a suspected misconduct or disputed authorship.
- Reviewers commented on the possibility of errors in ethical research and publications.
- Reviewers should do the job on time and notify the Editor if they can not finish the job.
- Reviewers must maintain the confidentiality of the manuscript.
- Reviewers should not be receiving and reviewing the manuscript if there is a potential conflict of interest between them and the authors.
- The author ensures that the material to be published have not been published and sent to another place simultanously
- Authors must ensure the authenticity of their research and they have cited the others opinion correctly in accordance with the reference format.
- The author is not involved in plagiarism.
- Authors must follow the criteria described in the guideline writing to the author of Sulolipu : Media Komunikasi sivitas Akademika dan masyarakat.
- Authors are not advised to publish any personal information that may make the patient recognizable identity in the form of the description section, photograph or genealogy. When photographs of patients is very important and indispensable as scientific information, the authors have received approval in written form and has clearly stated it.
- In the case of experiments on humans, the authors state that the study was in accordance with the ethical standards of the Helsinki declaration, which leads the human experiment. If there are doubts raised whether the study took place in accordance with the declaration, the author should explain it. In the case of experiments on animals, the author has certified that the author has followed the guidelines and abroad with regard to animal experiments in the laboratory.
- Authors must submit the data and details to the editor, if suspected falsification or fabrication of data.
- The authors should explain everything that can give rise to a conflict of interest such as employment, research costs, consulting fees, and intellectual property on guidelines for Sulolipu : Media Komunikasi sivitas Akademika dan masyarakat writers
Editors of the Sulolipu : Media Komunikasi sivitas Akademika dan masyarakat Editors treat the submitted manuscript and all communication with authors and referees as confidential. Authors must also treat communication with the journal as confidential. Correspondence with the journal, reviewers' reports and other confidential material must not be posted on any website or otherwise publicized without prior permission from the editors, whether or not the submission is eventually published.
Copyrights of all materials published in Sulolipu : Media Komunikasi sivitas Akademika dan masyarakat are held exclusively by the Journal and the respective author/s. Any reproduction of material from the Journal without proper acknowledgement or prior permission will result in the infringement of intellectual property laws. Written acceptance of the journal publishing agreement is required before the article can be published.
The authors who may have a complaint of their interaction with Sulolipu : Media Komunikasi sivitas Akademika dan masyarakat should e-mail to the Editor-in-Chief to sulolipu@poltekkes-mks.ac.id or ruhbansaja@gmail.com
Published By
Politeknik Kesehatan Kemenkes Makassar
Office : Jl. Wijaya Kusuma 1 No. 2, Banta-Bantaeng, Makassar, South Sulawesi, 90222
Email : sulolipu@poltekkes-mks.ac.id